Code Utilities


This page is for developers who want to customize or extend OpenWISP RADIUS, whether for bug fixes, new features, or contributions.

For user guides and general information, please see:



Path: openwisp_radius.signals.radius_accounting_success


  • sender : AccountingView

  • accounting_data (dict): accounting information

  • view: instance of AccountingView

This signal is emitted every time the accounting REST API endpoint completes successfully, just before the response is returned.

The view argument can also be used to access the request object i.e. view.request.

Captive portal mock views

The development environment of openwisp-radius provides two URLs that mock the behavior of a captive portal, these URLs can be used when testing frontend applications like OpenWISP WiFi Login Pages during development.


These views are meant to be used just for development and testing.

Captive Portal Login Mock View

  • URL: http://localhost:8000/captive-portal-mock/login/.

  • POST fields: auth_pass or password.

This view handles the captive portal login process by first checking for either an auth_pass or password in the POST request data. It then attempts to find a corresponding RadiusToken instance where the key matches the provided value. If a matching token is found and there are no active sessions (i.e., no open RadiusAccounting records), then it creates a new radius session for the user. If successful, the user is considered logged in.

Captive Portal Logout Mock View

  • URL: http://localhost:8000/captive-portal-mock/logout/.

  • POST fields: logout_id.

This view looks for an entry in the radacct table where session_id matches the value passed in the logout_id POST field. If such an entry is found, the view makes a POST request to the accounting view to mark the session as terminated, using User-Request as the termination cause.