Management commands

These management commands are necessary for enabling certain features and for database cleanup.

Example usage:

cd tests/
./ <command> <args>

In this page we list the management commands currently available in openwisp-radius.


This command deletes RADIUS accounting sessions older than <days>.

./ delete_old_radacct <days>

For example:

./ delete_old_radacct 365


This command deletes RADIUS post-auth logs older than <days>.

./ delete_old_postauth <days>

For example:

./ delete_old_postauth 365


This command closes stale RADIUS sessions that have remained open for the number of specified <days>.

./ cleanup_stale_radacct <days>

For example:

./ cleanup_stale_radacct 15


This command deactivates expired user accounts which were created with batch operation temporarily (e.g.: for en event) and have an expiration date set.

./ deactivate_expired_users


This command deletes users created using batch operation that have expired (and should have been deactivated by deactivate_expired_users) for more than the specified <duration_in_months>.

./ delete_old_radiusbatch_users --older-than-months <duration_in_months>

Note that the default duration is set to 18 months.


This command deletes unverified users that have been registered for more than specified duration and have no associated radius session. This feature is needed to delete users who have registered but never completed the verification process. Staff users will not be deleted by this management command.

./ delete_unverified_users --older-than-days <duration_in_days>

Note that the default duration is set to 1 day.

It is also possible to exclude users that have registered using specified methods. You can specify multiple methods separated by comma(,). Following is an example:

./ delete_unverified_users --older-than-days 1 --exclude-methods mobile_phone,email


If you are upgrading from django-freeradius to openwisp-radius, there is an easy migration script that will import your freeradius database, sites, social website account users, users & groups to openwisp-radius instance:

./ upgrade_from_django_freeradius

The management command accepts an argument --backup, that you can pass to give the location of the backup files, by default it looks in the tests/ directory, e.g.:

./ upgrade_from_django_freeradius --backup /home/user/django_freeradius/

The management command accepts another argument --organization, if you want to import data to a specific organization, you can give its UUID for the same, by default the data is added to the first found organization, e.g.:

./ upgrade_from_django_freeradius --organization 900856da-c89a-412d-8fee-45a9c763ca0b


It is not possible to export user credential data for RadiusBatch created using prefix, please manually preserve the PDF files if you want to access the data in the future.


If an installation uses a centralized captive portal, the value of "Called Station ID" of RADIUS Sessions will always show the MAC address of the captive portal instead of the access points.

This command will update the "Called Station ID" to reflect the MAC address of the access points using information from OpenVPN. It requires installing openvpn_status, which can be installed using the following command

pip install openwisp-radius[openvpn_status]

In order to work, this command requires to be configured via the OPENWISP_RADIUS_CALLED_STATION_IDS setting.

Use the following command if you want to perform this operation for all RADIUS sessions that meet criteria of OPENWISP_RADIUS_CALLED_STATION_IDS setting.

./ convert_called_station_id

You can also convert the "Called Station ID" of a particular RADIUS session by replacing session's unique_id in the following command:

./ convert_called_station_id --unique_id=<session_unique_id>


If you encounter ParseError for datetime data, you can set the datetime format of the parser using OPENWISP_RADIUS_OPENVPN_DATETIME_FORMAT setting.


convert_called_station_id command will only operate on open RADIUS sessions, i.e. the "stop_time" field is None.

But if you are converting a single RADIUS session, it will operate on it even if the session is closed.