Enforcing Session Limits

The default freeradius schema does not include a table where groups are stored, but openwisp-radius adds a model called RadiusGroup and alters the default freeradius schema to add some optional foreign-keys from other tables like:

  • radgroupcheck

  • radgroupreply

  • radusergroup

These foreign keys make it easier to automate many synchronization and integrity checks between the RadiusGroup table and its related tables but they are not strictly mandatory from the database point of view: their value can be NULL and their presence and validation is handled at application level, this makes it easy to use existing freeradius databases.

For each group, checks and replies can be specified directly in the edit page of a Radius Group (admin > groups > add group or change group).

Default Groups

Some groups are created automatically by openwisp-radius during the initial migrations:

  • users: this is the default group which limits users sessions to 3 hours and 300 MB (daily)

  • power-users: this group does not have any check, therefore users who are members of this group won't be limited in any way

You can customize the checks and the replies of these groups, as well as create new groups according to your needs and preferences.

Note on the default group: keep in mind that the group flagged as default will by automatically assigned to new users, it cannot be deleted nor it can be flagged as non-default: to set another group as default simply check that group as the default one, save and openwisp-radius will remove the default flag from the old default group.

How Limits are Enforced: Counters

In Freeradius, this kind of feature is implemented with the rml_sqlcounter.

The problem with this FreeRADIUS module is that it doesn't know about OpenWISP, so it does not support multi-tenancy. This means that if multiple organizations are using the OpenWISP instance, it's possible that a user may be an end user of multiple organizations and hence have one radius group assigned for each, but the sqlcounter module will not understand the right group to choose when enforcing limits, with the result that the enforcing of limits will not work as expected, unless one FreeRADIUS site with different sqlcounter configurations is created for each organization using the system, which is doable but cumbersome to maintain.

For the reasons explained above, an alternative counter feature has been implemented in the authorize API endpoint of OpenWISP RADIUS.

The default counters available are described below.


This counter is used to limit the amount of time users can use the network every day. It works by checking whether the total session time of a user during a specific day is below the value indicated in the Max-Daily-Session group check attribute, sending the remaining session time with a Session-Timeout reply message or rejecting the authorization if the limit has been passed.


This counter is used to limit the amount of traffic users can consume every day. It works by checking whether the total amount of download plus upload octets (bytes consumed) is below the value indicated in the Max-Daily-Session-Traffic group check attribute, sending the remaining octets with a reply message or rejecting the authorization if the limit has been passed.

The attributes used for the check and or the reply message are configurable because it can differ from NAS to NAS, see OPENWISP_RADIUS_TRAFFIC_COUNTER_CHECK_NAME OPENWISP_RADIUS_TRAFFIC_COUNTER_REPLY_NAME for more information.


This counter is used to limit the amount of traffic users can consume every solar month. It works by checking whether the total amount of download plus upload octets (bytes consumed) is below the value indicated in the Max-Monthly-Session-Traffic group check attribute, sending the remaining octets with a reply message or rejecting the authorization if the limit has been passed.

The reply message is configurable because it can differ from NAS to NAS, OPENWISP_RADIUS_TRAFFIC_COUNTER_REPLY_NAME for more information.



This counter is not enabled by default. It can be enabled via the Counter related settings.

Same as MonthlyTrafficCounter, but with the difference that the reset period depends on the day in which the user subscribed to the service: if the user signed up (or their account was created by an admin) on a date like November 15 2022, the reset period will start on the 15th day of every month.

Database Support

The counters described above are available for PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite and are enabled by default.

There's a different class of each counter for each database, because the query is executed with raw SQL defined on each class, instead of the classic django-ORM approach which is database agnostic.

It was implemented this way to ensure maximum flexibility and adherence to the FreeRADIUS sqlcounter implementation.

Django Settings

The settings available to control the behavior of counters are described in Counter related settings.

Writing Custom Counter Classes

It is possible to write custom counter classes to satisfy any need.

The easiest way is to subclass openwisp_radius.counters.base.BaseCounter, then implement at least the following attributes:

  • counter_name: name of the counter, used internally for debugging;

  • check_name: attribute name used in the database lookup to the group check table;

  • reply_name: attribute name sent in the reply message;

  • reset: reset period, either daily, weekly, monthly, monthly_subscription or never;

  • sql: the raw SQL query to execute;

  • get_sql_params: a method which returns a list of the arguments passed to the interpolation of the raw SQL query.

Please look at the source code of OpenWISP RADIUS to find out more.

Once the new class is ready, you will need to add it to OPENWISP_RADIUS_COUNTERS.

It is also possible to implement a check class in a completely custom fashion (that is, not inheriting from BaseCounter), the only requirements are:

  • the class must have a constructor (__init__ method) identical to the one used in the BaseCounter class;

  • the class must have a check method which doesn't need any required argument and returns the remaining counter value or raises MaxQuotaReached if the limit has been reached and the authorization should be rejected; This method may return None if no additional RADIUS attribute needs to be added to the response.