See also

Source code: github.com/openwisp/openwisp-ipam.

Feature Highlights

OpenWISP IPAM provides IP Address Management (IPAM) features, refer to IPAM: Features for a complete overview. As a core dependency of the OpenWISP Controller, it facilitates the automatic provisioning of IP addresses for VPNs such as Wireguard and Zerotier, and allows to implement the Subnet Division Rules feature.

In addition to its integration with the OpenWISP ecosystem, OpenWISP IPAM can be used as a standalone Django app: developers proficient in Python and Django can leverage this module independently to enhance their projects, for more details on this subject please refer to the developer documentation.

The following diagram illustrates the role of the IPAM module within the OpenWISP architecture.

OpenWISP Architecture: IPAM module

OpenWISP Architecture: highlighted IPAM module


For an enhanced viewing experience, open the image above in a new browser tab.

Refer to Architecture, Modules, Technologies for more information.