
The main settings available in the organization YAML file are explained below.

Captive Portal Settings


This configuration section allows you to configure the hidden HTML form that submits the username, password, and any other required parameters to the captive portal to authenticate the user, after the credentials have been first verified via the OpenWISP REST API.

Let's take the following configuration sample for reference:

  method: post
    username: username_field
    password: password_field
    - name: field1
      value: value1
    - name: field2
      value: value2

The example above will result in a HTML form like the following:

<form method="post" action="">
  <input type="text" name="username_field" />
  <input type="password" name="password_field" />
  <input type="hidden" name="field1" value="value1" />
  <input type="hidden" name="field2" value="value2" />

You can adjust any parameter based on the expectations of the captive portal: most captive portal programs expect POST requests, although some may also accept GET. The input names for username and password may vary and will likely require customization.

For instance, PfSense expects auth_user and auth_pass, while Coova-Chilli expects username and password.

The additional_fields section allows you to specify any additional fields required by the captive portal. For instance, with PfSense, you need to include an extra field called zone, because PfSense allows defining multiple “Captive Portal Zones” with different configurations.

If you don't require any additional fields, simply set this section to an empty array [], e.g.:

additional_fields: []


This configuration section allows you to configure captive portal logout mechanism that allows users to close their browsing session.

Let's take the following configuration sample for reference:

  method: post
    id: logout_id
    - name: field1
      value: value1
    - name: field2
      value: value2

The example above will result in a HTML form like the following:

<form method="post" action="">
  <input type="text" name="logout_id" value="{{ session_id }}" />
  <input type="hidden" name="field1" value="value1" />
  <input type="hidden" name="field2" value="value2" />

In the example above, {{ session_id }} represents the ID of the RADIUS session. This value is provided by WiFi Login Pages and retrieved via the OpenWISP RADIUS REST API. Some captive portals, like PfSense, require this information to complete the logout process successfully.

You can adjust any other parameter based on the expectations of the captive portal: most captive portal programs expect POST requests, although some may also accept GET.

additional_fields: []

User Fields in Registration Form

The setting attribute of the fields first_name, last_name, location and birth_date can be used to indicate whether the fields shall be disabled (the default setting), allowed but not required or required.

The setting option can take any of the following values:

  • disabled: (the default value) fields with this setting won't be shown.

  • allowed: fields with this setting are shown but not required.

  • mandatory: fields with this setting are shown and required.

Keep in mind that this configuration must mirror the configuration of openwisp-radius (OPENWISP_RADIUS_OPTIONAL_REGISTRATION_FIELDS).

Username Field in Login Form

The username field in the login form is automatically set to either a phone number input or an email text input depending on whether mobile_phone_verification is enabled or not.

However, it is possible to force the use of a standard text field if needed, for example, we may need to configure the username field to accept any value so that the OpenWISP Users Authentication Backend can then figure out if the value passed is a phone number, an email or a username:

      auto_switch_phone_input: false
      type: "text"
      pattern: null

Configuring Social Login

In order to enable users to log via third-party services like Google and Facebook, the Social Login feature of OpenWISP Radius must be configured and enabled.

Custom CSS Files

It's possible to specify multiple CSS files if needed.

    - "index.css"
    - "custom.css"

Adding multiple CSS files can be useful when working with variants.

Custom HTML

It is possible to inject custom HTML in different languages in several parts of the application if needed.

Sticky Message

    en: >
      <p class="announcement">
        This site will go in schedule maintenance
        <b>tonight (10pm - 11pm)</b>

Login Page

    en: >
      <div class="pre">
        Shown before the main content in the login page.
    en: >
      <div class="intro">
        Shown at the beginning of the login content box.
    en: >
      <div class="intro">
        Shown above the login form, after social login buttons.
        Can be used to write custom help labels.
    en: >
      <div class="intro">
        Shown at the end of the login content box.

Contact Box

    en: >
      <div class="contact">
        Shown at the beginning of the contact box.
    en: >
      <div class="contact">
        Shown at the end of the contact box.

Configuring SAML Login & Logout

To enable SAML login, the SAML feature of OpenWISP RADIUS must be enabled.

The only additional configuration needed is saml_logout_url, which is needed to perform SAML logout.

  # other conf
  saml_logout_url: ""

TOS & Privacy Policy

The terms of services and privacy policy pages are generated from markdown files which are specified in the YAML configuration.

The markdown files specified in the YAML configuration should be placed in: /organizations/{orgSlug}/server_assets/.

Configuring Logging

There are certain environment variables used to configure server logging. The details of environment variables to configure logging are mentioned below:

Environment Variable



(optional) This can be used to set the level of logging. The available values are error, warn, info, http, verbose, debug and silly. By default log level is set to warn for production.


(optional) To configure the path of the log file for all logs. The default path is logs/all.log


(optional) To configure the path of the log file for error logs. The default path is logs/error.log


(optional) To configure the path of the log file for warn logs. The default path is logs/warn.log


(optional) To configure the path of the log file for info logs. The default path is logs/info.log


(optional) To configure the path of the log file for http logs. The default path is logs/http.log


(optional) To configure the path of the log file for http logs. The default path is logs/debug.log

Mocking Captive Portal Login and Logout

During the development stage, the captive portal login and logout operations can be mocked by using the OpenWISP RADIUS captive portal mock views.

These URLs from OpenWISP RADIUS will be used by default in the development environment. The captive portal login and logout URLs and their parameters can be changed by editing the YAML configuration file of the respective organization.

Sign Up with Payment Flow

This application supports sign up with payment flows, either a one time payment, a free debit/credit card transaction for identity verification purposes or a subscription with periodic payments.

In order to work, this feature needs the premium OpenWISP Subscriptions module (get in touch with commercial support for more information).

Once the module mentioned above is installed and configured, in order to enable this feature, just create a new organization with the yarn run add-org command and answer yes to the following question: