Miscellaneous Utilities


This page is for developers who want to customize or extend OpenWISP Users, whether for bug fixes, new features, or contributions.

For user guides and general information, please see:

This section covers miscellaneous utilities provided by the OpenWISP Users module.

Organization Membership Helpers

The User model offers methods to efficiently check whether the user is a member, manager, or owner of an organization.

Use these methods to distinguish between different user roles across organizations and minimize database queries.

import swapper

User = swapper.load_model("openwisp_users", "User")
Organization = swapper.load_model("openwisp_users", "Organization")

user = User.objects.first()
org = Organization.objects.first()

# Also valid (avoids query to retrieve Organization instance)
device = Device.objects.first()


Returns True if the user is a member of the specified Organization instance. Alternatively, you can pass a UUID or str representing the organization's primary key, which allows you to avoid an additional database query to fetch the organization instance.

Use this check to grant access to end-users who need to consume services offered by organizations they're members of, such as authenticating to public WiFi services.


Returns True if the user is a member of the specified Organization instance and has the OrganizationUser.is_admin field set to True. Alternatively, you can pass a UUID or str representing the organization's primary key, which allows you to avoid an additional database query to fetch the organization instance.

Use this check to grant access to managers of organizations, who need to perform administrative tasks such as creating, editing, or deleting objects of their organization, or accessing sensitive information like firmware images.


Returns True if the user is a member of the specified Organization instance and is the owner of the organization, checked against the presence of an OrganizationOwner instance for the user. Alternatively, you can pass a UUID or str representing the organization's primary key, which allows you to avoid an additional database query to fetch the organization instance.

Use this check to prevent managers from taking control of organizations without the original owner's consent.


The methods described above utilize the organizations_dict property method, which builds a dictionary containing the primary keys of organizations the user is a member of, along with information about whether the user is a manager (is_admin) or owner (is_owner).

This data structure is cached automatically to prevent multiple database queries across multiple requests.

The cache is automatically invalidated on the following events:

  • An OrganizationUser is added, changed, or deleted.

  • An OrganizationOwner is added, changed, or deleted.

  • The is_active field of an Organization changes.

Usage example:

>>> user.organizations_dict
... {'20135c30-d486-4d68-993f-322b8acb51c4': {'is_admin': True, 'is_owner': False}}
>>> user.organizations_dict.keys()
... dict_keys(['20135c30-d486-4d68-993f-322b8acb51c4'])


Returns a list of primary keys of organizations the user can manage.

Usage example:

>>> user.organizations_managed
... ['20135c30-d486-4d68-993f-322b8acb51c4']


Returns a list of primary keys of organizations the user owns.

Usage example:

>>> user.organizations_owned
... ['20135c30-d486-4d68-993f-322b8acb51c4']


Full python path: openwisp_users.backends.UsersAuthenticationBackend.

This authentication backend enables users to authenticate using their email or phone number, as well as their username. Email authentication takes precedence over the username, while phone number authentication takes precedence if the identifier passed as argument is a valid phone number.

Phone numbers are parsed using the phonenumbers library, ensuring recognition even if users include characters like spaces, dots, or dashes.

The OPENWISP_USERS_AUTH_BACKEND_AUTO_PREFIXES setting allows specifying a list of international prefixes that can be automatically prepended to the username string, enabling users to log in without typing the international prefix.

Additionally, the backend supports phone numbers with a leading zero, ensuring successful authentication even with the leading zero included.

You can also use the backend programmatically:

from openwisp_users.backends import UsersAuthenticationBackend

backend = UsersAuthenticationBackend()
backend.authenticate(request, identifier, password)


Full python path: openwisp_users.middleware.PasswordExpirationMiddleware.

When the password expiration feature is enabled (see OPENWISP_USERS_USER_PASSWORD_EXPIRATION and OPENWISP_USERS_STAFF_USER_PASSWORD_EXPIRATION), this middleware restricts users to the password change view until they change their password.

Ensure this middleware follows AuthenticationMiddleware and MessageMiddleware:

# in your_project/settings.py
    # Other middlewares


Full python path: openwisp_users.password_validation.PasswordReuseValidator.

On password change views, this validator ensures users cannot reuse their current password as the new password.

Add the validator to the AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS Django setting:

# in your-project/settings.py
    # Other password validators
        "NAME": "openwisp_users.password_validation.PasswordReuseValidator",