Loading Extra JavaScript Files

It is possible to load extra javascript files, which may be needed for different reasons like error monitoring (Sentry), analytics (Matomo, Google analytics), etc.

It's possible to accomplish this in two ways which are explained below.

1. Loading Extra JavaScript Files for Whole Application (All Organizations)

Place the javascript files in organizations/js directory and it will be injected in HTML during the webpack build process for all the organizations.

These scripts are loaded before all the other Javascript code is loaded. This is done on purpose to ensure that any error monitoring code is loaded before everything else.

This feature should be used only for critical custom Javascript code.

2. Loading Extra JavaScript Files for a Specific Organization

Add the names of the extra javascript files in organization configuration. Example:

    - "matomo-script.js"
    - "google-analytics.js"

Make sure that all these extra javascript files are be present in the organizations/<org-slug>/client_assets directory.

These scripts are loaded only after the rest of the page has finished loading.

This feature can be used to load non-critical custom Javascript code.