

It is recommended to use the ansible-openwisp-wifi-login-pages for deploying OpenWISP WiFi Login Pages for production usage.

Add Organization configuration

Before users can login and sign up, you need to create the configuration of the captive page for the related OpenWISP organization. You can get the organization uuid, slug and radius_secret from the organization's admin in OpenWISP. After this, execute the following command:

yarn add-org

This command will present a series of interactive questions which make it easier for users to configure the application for their use case. It will prompt you to fill properties listed in the following table:




Required. Name of the organization.


Required. Slug of the organization.


Required. UUID of the organization.


Required. Token from organization radius settings.

captive portal login URL

Required. Captive portal login action URL

captive portal logout URL

Required. Captive portal logout action URL

openwisp radius URL

Required. URL to openwisp-radius.

Once all the questions are answered, the script will create a new directory, e.g.:


The client_assets directory shall contain static files like CSS, images, etc.. The server_assets directory is used for loading the content of Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. You can copy the desired files to these directories.


The configuration of new organizations is generated from the template present in /internals/generators/config.yml.hbs.

The default configuration is stored at /internals/config/default.yml. If the configuration file of a specific organization misses a piece of configuration, then the default configuration is used to generate a complete configuration.

Use the following commands to start the project:

yarn setup
yarn start

If you need to change these values or any other settings later, you can edit the YAML file generated in the /organizations directory and rebuild the project.

Removing Sections of Configuration

To remove a specific section of the configuration, the null keyword can be used, this way the specific section flagged as null will be removed during the build process.

For example, to remove social login links:

    links: null


Do not delete or edit default configuration (/internals/config/default.yml) as it is required to build and compile organization configurations.

Variants of the Same Configuration

In some cases it may be needed to have different variants of the same design but with different logos, or slightly different colors, wording and so on, but all these variants would be tied to the same service.

In this case it's possible to create new YAML configuration files (e.g.: variant1.yml, variant2.yml) in the directory /organizations/{orgSlug}/, and specify only the configuration keys which differ from the parent configuration.

Example variant of the default organization:

name: "Variant1"
        url: "variant1-logo.svg"
        alternate_text: "variant1"

The configuration above has very little differences with the parent configuration: the name and logo are different, the rest is inherited from the parent organization.

Following example, the contents above should be placed in /organizations/default/variant1.yml and once the server is started again this new variant will be visible at http://localhost:8080/default-variant1.

It's possible to create multiple variants of different organizations, by making sure default is replaced with the actual organization slug that is being used.

And of course it's possible to customize more than just the name and logo, the example above has been kept short for brevity.


If a variant defines a configuration option which contains an array/list of objects (e.g.: menu links), the array/list defined in the variant always overwrites fully what is defined in the parent configuration file.

Variant with Different Organization Slug / UUID / Secret

In some cases, different organizations may share an identical configuration, with very minor differences. Variants can be used also in these cases to minimize maintenance efforts.

The important thing to keep in mind is that the organization slug, uuid, secret_key need to be reset in the configuration file:


name: "<organization_name>"
slug: "<organization_slug>"
  uuid: "<organization_uuid>"
  secret_key: "<organization_secret_key>"
    - "index.css"
    - "<org-css-if-needed>"
        url: "org-logo.svg"
        alternate_text: "..."

Support for Old Browsers

Polyfills are used to support old browsers on different platforms. It is recommended to add to the allowed hostnames (walled garden) of the captive portal, otherwise the application will not be able to load in old browsers.

Configuring Sentry for Proxy Server

You can enable sentry logging for the proxy server by adding sentry-env.json in the root folder. The sentry-env.json file should contain configuration as following:

  "sentryTransportLogger": {
    // These options are passed to sentry SDK. Read more about available
    // options at
    "sentry": {
      "dsn": ""
    // Following options are related to Winston's SentryTransport. You can read
    // more at
    "level": "warn",
    "levelsMap": {
      "silly": "debug",
      "verbose": "debug",
      "info": "info",
      "debug": "debug",
      "warn": "warning",
      "error": "error"

You can take reference from sentry-env.sample.json

Supporting Realms (RADIUS Proxy)

To enable support for realms, set radius_realms to true as in the example below:

name: "default name"
slug: "default"

  radius_realms: true

When support for radius_realms is true and the username inserted in the username field by the user includes an @ sign, the login page will submit the credentials directly to the URL specified in captive_portal_login_form, hence bypassing this app altogether.

Keep in mind that in this use case, since users are basically authenticating against databases stored in other sources foreign to OpenWISP but trusted by the RADIUS configuration, the wifi-login-pages app stops making any sense, because users are registered elsewhere, do not have a local account on OpenWISP, therefore won't be able to authenticate nor change their personal details via the OpenWISP RADIUS API and this app.