REST API Reference

Live Documentation

A general live API documentation (following the OpenAPI specification) at /api/v1/docs/.

Browsable Web Interface

Additionally, opening any of the endpoints listed below directly in the browser will show the browsable API interface of Django-REST-Framework, which makes it even easier to find out the details of each endpoint.

List of Endpoints

Since the detailed explanation is contained in the Live Documentation and in the Browsable Web Interface of each point, here we'll provide just a list of the available endpoints, for further information please open the URL of the endpoint in your browser.

Retrieve General Monitoring Charts

GET /api/v1/monitoring/dashboard/

This API endpoint is used to show dashboard monitoring charts. It supports multi-tenancy and allows filtering monitoring data by organization_slug, location_id and floorplan_id e.g.:

GET /api/v1/monitoring/dashboard/?organization_slug=<org1-slug>,<org2-slug>&location_id=<location1-id>,<location2-id>&floorplan_id=<floorplan1-id>,<floorplan2-id>
  • When retrieving chart data, the time parameter allows to specify the time frame, e.g.:

    • 1d: returns data of the last day

    • 3d: returns data of the last 3 days

    • 7d: returns data of the last 7 days

    • 30d: returns data of the last 30 days

    • 365d: returns data of the last 365 days

  • In alternative to time it is possible to request chart data for a custom date range by using the start and end parameters, e.g.:

GET /api/v1/monitoring/dashboard/?start={start_datetime}&end={end_datetime}


The start and end parameters should be in the format YYYY-MM-DD H:M:S, otherwise 400 Bad Response will be returned.

Retrieve Device Charts and Device Status Data

GET /api/v1/monitoring/device/{pk}/?key={key}&status=true&time={timeframe}

The format used for Device Status is inspired by NetJSON DeviceMonitoring.


  • If the request is made without ?status=true the response will contain only charts data and will not include any device status information (current load average, ARP table, DCHP leases, etc.).

  • When retrieving chart data, the time parameter allows to specify the time frame, e.g.:

    • 1d: returns data of the last day

    • 3d: returns data of the last 3 days

    • 7d: returns data of the last 7 days

    • 30d: returns data of the last 30 days

    • 365d: returns data of the last 365 days

  • In alternative to time it is possible to request chart data for a custom date range by using the start and end parameters, e.g.:

  • The response contains device information, monitoring status (health status), a list of metrics with their respective statuses, chart data and device status information (only if ?status=true).

  • This endpoint can be accessed with session authentication, token authentication, or alternatively with the device key passed as query string parameter as shown below (?key={key}); note: this method is meant to be used by the devices.

GET /api/v1/monitoring/device/{pk}/?key={key}&status=true&start={start_datetime}&end={end_datetime}


The start and end parameters must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD H:M:S, otherwise 400 Bad Response will be returned.

List Device Monitoring Information

GET /api/v1/monitoring/device/


  • The response contains device information and monitoring status (health status), but it does not include the information and health status of the specific metrics, this information can be retrieved in the detail endpoint of each device.

  • This endpoint can be accessed with session authentication and token authentication.

Available filters

Data can be filtered by health status (e.g. critical, ok, problem, and unknown) to obtain the list of devices in the corresponding status, for example, to retrieve the list of devices which are in critical conditions (e.g.: unreachable), the following will work:

GET /api/v1/monitoring/device/?monitoring__status=critical

To filter a list of device monitoring data based on their organization, you can use the organization_id.

GET /api/v1/monitoring/device/?organization={organization_id}

To filter a list of device monitoring data based on their organization slug, you can use the organization_slug.

GET /api/v1/monitoring/device/?organization_slug={organization_slug}

Collect Device Metrics and Status

POST /api/v1/monitoring/device/{pk}/?key={key}&time={datetime}

If data is latest then an additional parameter current can also be passed. For e.g.:

POST /api/v1/monitoring/device/{pk}/?key={key}&time={datetime}&current=true

The format used for Device Status is inspired by NetJSON DeviceMonitoring.


The device data will be saved in the timeseries database using the date time specified time, this should be in the format %d-%m-%Y_%H:%M:%S.%f, otherwise 400 Bad Response will be returned.

If the request is made without passing the time argument, the server local time will be used.

The time parameter was added to support resilient collection and sending of data by the OpenWISP Monitoring Agent, this feature allows sending data collected while the device is offline.

List Nearby Devices

GET /api/v1/monitoring/device/{pk}/nearby-devices/

Returns list of nearby devices along with respective distance (in metres) and monitoring status.

Available filters

The list of nearby devices provides the following filters:

  • organization (Organization ID of the device)

  • organization__slug (Organization slug of the device)

  • monitoring__status (Monitoring status (unknown, ok, problem, or critical))

  • model (Pipe | separated list of device models)

  • distance__lte (Distance in metres)

Here's a few examples:

GET /api/v1/monitoring/device/{pk}/nearby-devices/?organization={organization_id}
GET /api/v1/monitoring/device/{pk}/nearby-devices/?organization__slug={organization_slug}
GET /api/v1/monitoring/device/{pk}/nearby-devices/?monitoring__status={monitoring_status}
GET /api/v1/monitoring/device/{pk}/nearby-devices/?model={model1,model2}
GET /api/v1/monitoring/device/{pk}/nearby-devices/?distance__lte={distance}

List WiFi Session

GET /api/v1/monitoring/wifi-session/

Available filters

The list of wifi session provides the following filters:

  • device__organization (Organization ID of the device)

  • device (Device ID)

  • device__group (Device group ID)

  • start_time (Start time of the wifi session)

  • stop_time (Stop time of the wifi session)

Here's a few examples:

GET /api/v1/monitoring/wifi-session/?device__organization={organization_id}
GET /api/v1/monitoring/wifi-session/?device={device_id}
GET /api/v1/monitoring/wifi-session/?device__group={group_id}
GET /api/v1/monitoring/wifi-session/?start_time={stop_time}
GET /api/v1/monitoring/wifi-session/?stop_time={stop_time}


Both start_time and stop_time support greater than or equal to, as well as less than or equal to, filter lookups.

For example:

GET /api/v1/monitoring/wifi-session/?start_time__gt={start_time}
GET /api/v1/monitoring/wifi-session/?start_time__gte={start_time}
GET /api/v1/monitoring/wifi-session/?stop_time__lt={stop_time}
GET /api/v1/monitoring/wifi-session/?stop_time__lte={stop_time}

Get WiFi Session

GET /api/v1/monitoring/wifi-session/{id}/


WiFi session endpoint support the page_size parameter that allows paginating the results in conjunction with the page parameter.

GET /api/v1/monitoring/wifi-session/?page_size=10
GET /api/v1/monitoring/wifi-session/?page_size=10&page=1