

This check returns information on Ping Success Rate and RTT (Round trip time). It creates charts like Ping Success Rate, Packet Loss and RTT. These metrics are collected using the fping Linux program. You may choose to disable auto creation of this check by setting OPENWISP_MONITORING_AUTO_PING to False.

You can change the default values used for ping checks using OPENWISP_MONITORING_PING_CHECK_CONFIG setting.

Configuration Applied

This check ensures that the openwisp-config agent is running and applying configuration changes in a timely manner. You may choose to disable auto creation of this check by using the setting OPENWISP_MONITORING_AUTO_DEVICE_CONFIG_CHECK.

This check runs periodically, but it is also triggered whenever the configuration status of a device changes, this ensures the check reacts quickly to events happening in the network and informs the user promptly if there's anything that is not working as intended.


This check provides network performance measurements such as maximum achievable bandwidth, jitter, datagram loss etc of the device using iperf3 utility.

This check is disabled by default. You can enable auto creation of this check by setting the OPENWISP_MONITORING_AUTO_IPERF3 to True.

You can also add the iperf3 check directly from the device page.

It also supports tuning of various parameters. You can change the parameters used for iperf3 checks (e.g. timing, port, username, password, rsa_publc_key, etc.) using the OPENWISP_MONITORING_IPERF3_CHECK_CONFIG setting.


When setting OPENWISP_MONITORING_AUTO_IPERF3 to True, you may need to update the metric configuration to enable alerts for the iperf3 check.