
Configuration Options

UCI configuration options should be placed in /etc/config/openwisp-monitoring.

  • monitored_interfaces: Specifies the interfaces to be monitored. Defaults to *, meaning all interfaces.

  • interval: Sets the interval in seconds for the agent to send data to the server. The default is 300 seconds.

  • verbose_mode: Can be enabled by setting to 1 to assist in debugging. The default is 0 (disabled).

  • required_memory: Minimum available memory required to temporarily store data. Defaults to 0.05 (5 percent).

  • max_retries: Maximum number of retries if there is a failure in sending data to the server. The default is 5 retries.

  • bootup_delay: Maximum value, in seconds, of a random delay after boot-up. Defaults to 10. See Boot-Up Delay.

If the maximum retries are reached, the agent will attempt to send data in the next cycle.

Collecting vs. Sending

The monitoring agent uses two procd services: one for collecting data and another for sending it.

This setup allows for more flexible handling of data transmission failures. Data collected during network outages can be sent later, while new data continues to be collected. If there is a backlog of data to upload, the collection process will continue independently.

The monitoring agent operates in two modes: send and collect.

Collect Mode

When the OpenWISP monitoring agent operates in this mode, it is responsible for collecting and storing data.

The agent periodically checks if there is enough memory available. If sufficient memory is detected, data will be collected and saved in temporary storage with a timestamp (in UTC).

Once the data is stored, a signal is sent to the other agent to ensure the data is transmitted promptly.


Ensure that the date and time on the device are correctly set. Incorrect timestamps can lead to inaccurate data in the time series database.

Send Mode

When operating in this mode, the OpenWISP monitoring agent handles data transmission.

The agent checks for available data files in temporary storage. If no data files are found, the agent will wait for the specified interval and check again. This process continues until data files are detected. If a signal is received from the other agent, the wait will be interrupted, and the agent will start sending data.

If the agent fails to send data, a randomized backoff (between 2 and 15 seconds) is used to retry until the max_retries limit is reached. If all attempts fail, the agent will try again in the next cycle.

Upon successful data transmission, the corresponding data file is deleted, and the agent checks for any remaining files.

SIGUSR1 signals are used to trigger immediate data transmission when new data is collected. The service will continue to attempt data transmission at regular intervals.

Boot-Up Delay

The bootup_delay option introduces a random delay during the agent's initialization after the device boots.

This option specifies the maximum value for the random delay, with a minimum value of 0.

The default setting is 10, meaning the agent's initialization will be delayed by a random number of seconds, ranging from 0 to 10.

This feature is designed to distribute the load on the OpenWISP server when a large number of devices boot simultaneously after a power outage.

Large OpenWISP installations may benefit from increasing this value.