Quality Assurance Checks


This documentation page is aimed at developers who want to customize, change or extend the code of OpenWISP Utils in order to modify its behavior (e.g.: for personal or commercial purposes or to fix a bug, implement a new feature or contribute to the project in general).

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This package contains some common QA checks that are used in the automated builds of different OpenWISP modules.


This shell script automatically formats Python and CSS code according to the OpenWISP coding style conventions.

It runs isort and black to format python code (these two dependencies are required and installed automatically when running pip install openwisp-utils[qa]).

The prettier programs is used to perform style checks on CSS and JS code, but it is optional: if prettier is not installed, the check(s) will be skipped.


Shell script to run the following quality assurance checks:

  • checkmigrations

  • checkcommit

  • checkendline

  • checkpendingmigrations

  • checkrst

  • flake8 - Python code linter

  • isort - Sorts python imports alphabetically, and separated into sections

  • black - Formats python code using a common standard

  • csslinter - Formats and checks CSS code using prettier common standard

  • jslinter - Checks Javascript code using prettier common standard

If a check requires a flag, it can be passed forward in the same way.

Usage example:

openwisp-qa-check --migration-path <path> --message <commit-message>

Any unneeded checks can be skipped by passing --skip-<check-name>

Usage example:

openwisp-qa-check --skip-isort

For backward compatibility csslinter and jslinter are skipped by default. To run them during QA checks pass arguments as follows.

Usage example:

# To activate csslinter
openwisp-qa-check --csslinter

# To activate jslinter
openwisp-qa-check --jslinter

You can do multiple checkmigrations by passing the arguments with space-delimited string.

For example, this multiple checkmigrations:

checkmigrations --migrations-to-ignore 3 \
        --migration-path ./openwisp_users/migrations/ || exit 1

checkmigrations --migrations-to-ignore 2 \
        --migration-path ./tests/testapp/migrations/ || exit 1

Can be changed with:

openwisp-qa-check --migrations-to-ignore "3 2" \
        --migration-path "./openwisp_users/migrations/ ./tests/testapp/migrations/"


Ensures the latest migrations created have a human readable name.

We want to avoid having many migrations named like 0003_auto_20150410_3242.py.

This way we can reconstruct the evolution of our database schemas faster, with less efforts and hence less costs.

Usage example:

checkmigrations --migration-path ./django_freeradius/migrations/


Ensures the last commit message follows our commit message style guidelines.

We want to keep the commit log readable, consistent and easy to scan in order to make it easy to analyze the history of our modules, which is also a very important activity when performing maintenance.

Usage example:

checkcommit --message "$(git log --format=%B -n 1)"

If, for some reason, you wish to skip this QA check for a specific commit message you can add #noqa to the end of your commit message.

Usage example:

[qa] Improved #20

Simulation of a special unplanned case


Ensures that a blank line is kept at the end of each file.


Ensures there django migrations are up to date and no new migrations need to be created.

It accepts an optional --migration-module flag indicating the django app name that should be passed to ./manage.py makemigrations, e.g.: ./manage.py makemigrations $MIGRATION_MODULE.


Checks the syntax of all ReStructuredText files to ensure they can be published on Pypi or using python-sphinx.