Developer Installation Instructions


This documentation page is aimed at developers who want to customize, change or extend the code of OpenWISP Utils in order to modify its behavior (e.g.: for personal or commercial purposes or to fix a bug, implement a new feature or contribute to the project in general).

If you aren't a developer and you are looking for information on how to use OpenWISP, please refer to:

Installing for Development

Install the system dependencies:

sudo apt-get install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev

# For running E2E Selenium tests
sudo apt install chromium

Fork and clone the forked repository:

git clone git://<your_fork>/openwisp-utils

Navigate into the cloned repository:

cd openwisp-utils/

Setup and activate a virtual-environment (we'll be using virtualenv):

python -m virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate

Make sure that your base python packages are up to date before moving to the next step:

pip install -U pip wheel setuptools

Install development dependencies:

pip install -e .[qa,rest]
pip install -r requirements-test.txt
sudo npm install -g jshint stylelint

Set up the git pre-push hook to run tests and QA checks automatically right before the git push action, so that if anything fails the push operation will be aborted:

openwisp-pre-push-hook --install

Create database:

cd tests/
./ migrate
./ createsuperuser

Launch development server:

./ runserver

You can access the admin interface at

Run tests with:

./ --parallel

Run quality assurance tests with:


Alternative Sources


To install the latest Pypi:

pip install openwisp-utils


To install the latest development version tarball via HTTPs:

pip install

Alternatively you can use the git protocol:

pip install -e git+git://