Code Utilities


This page is for developers who want to customize or extend OpenWISP Controller, whether for bug fixes, new features, or contributions.

For user guides and general information, please see:

Registering / Unregistering Commands

OpenWISP Controller allows to register new command options or unregister existing command options through two utility functions:

  • openwisp_controller.connection.commands.register_command

  • openwisp_controller.connection.commands.unregister_command

You can use these functions to register new custom commands or unregister existing commands from your code.


These functions are to be used as an alternative to the OPENWISP_CONTROLLER_USER_COMMANDS setting when extending openwisp-controller or when developing custom applications based on OpenWISP Controller.





A str defining identifier for the command.


A dict like the one shown in Command Configuration: schema.

Note: It will raise ImproperlyConfigured exception if a command is already registered with the same name.





A str defining name of the command.

Note: It will raise ImproperlyConfigured exception if such command does not exists.

Controller Notifications

The notification types registered and used by OpenWISP Controller are listed in the following table.

Notification Type



Fires when the status of a device configuration changes to error.


Fires when a new device registers itself.

Registering Notification Types

You can define your own notification types using register_notification_type function from OpenWISP Notifications.

For more information, see the relevant documentation section about registering notification types in the Notifications module.

Once a new notification type is registered, you can use the "notify" signal provided by the Notifications module to send notifications with this new type.



If you're not familiar with signals, please refer to the Django Signals documentation.


Path: openwisp_controller.config.signals.config_modified


  • instance: instance of Config which got its config modified

  • previous_status: indicates the status of the config object before the signal was emitted

  • action: action which emitted the signal, can be any of the list below: - config_changed: the configuration of the config object was changed - related_template_changed: the configuration of a related template was changed - m2m_templates_changed: the assigned templates were changed (either templates were added, removed or their order was changed)

This signal is emitted every time the configuration of a device is modified.

It does not matter if Config.status is already modified, this signal will be emitted anyway because it signals that the device configuration has changed.

This signal is used to trigger the update of the configuration on devices, when the push feature is enabled (requires Device credentials).

The signal is also emitted when one of the templates used by the device is modified or if the templates assigned to the device are changed.

Special cases in which config_modified is not emitted

This signal is not emitted when the device is created for the first time.

It is also not emitted when templates assigned to a config object are cleared (post_clear m2m signal), this is necessary because sortedm2m, the package we use to implement ordered templates, uses the clear action to reorder templates (m2m relationships are first cleared and then added back), therefore we ignore post_clear to avoid emitting signals twice (one for the clear action and one for the add action). Please keep this in mind if you plan on using the clear method of the m2m manager.


Path: openwisp_controller.config.signals.config_status_changed


  • instance: instance of Config which got its status changed

This signal is emitted only when the configuration status of a device has changed.

The signal is emitted also when the m2m template relationships of a config object are changed, but only on post_add or post_remove actions, post_clear is ignored for the same reason explained in the previous section.


Path: openwisp_controller.config.signals.config_backend_changed Arguments:

  • instance: instance of Config which got its backend changed

  • old_backend: the old backend of the config object

  • backend: the new backend of the config object

It is not emitted when the device or config is created.


Path: openwisp_controller.config.signals.checksum_requested


  • instance: instance of Device for which its configuration checksum has been requested

  • request: the HTTP request object

This signal is emitted when a device requests a checksum via the controller views.

The signal is emitted just before a successful response is returned, it is not sent if the response was not successful.


Path: openwisp_controller.config.signals.config_download_requested


  • instance: instance of Device for which its configuration has been requested for download

  • request: the HTTP request object

This signal is emitted when a device requests to download its configuration via the controller views.

The signal is emitted just before a successful response is returned, it is not sent if the response was not successful.


Path: openwisp_controller.connection.signals.is_working_changed


  • instance: instance of DeviceConnection

  • is_working: value of DeviceConnection.is_working

  • old_is_working: previous value of DeviceConnection.is_working, either None (for new connections), True or False

  • failure_reason: error message explaining reason for failure in establishing connection

  • old_failure_reason: previous value of DeviceConnection.failure_reason

This signal is emitted every time DeviceConnection.is_working changes.

It is not triggered when the device is created for the first time.


Path: openwisp_controller.config.signals.management_ip_changed


  • instance: instance of Device

  • management_ip: value of Device.management_ip

  • old_management_ip: previous value of Device.management_ip

This signal is emitted every time Device.management_ip changes.

It is not triggered when the device is created for the first time.


Path: openwisp_controller.config.signals.device_registered


  • instance: instance of Device which got registered.

  • is_new: boolean, will be True when the device is new, False when the device already exists (e.g.: a device which gets a factory reset will register again)

This signal is emitted when a device registers automatically through the controller HTTP API.


Path: openwisp_controller.config.signals.device_name_changed


  • instance: instance of Device.

The signal is emitted when the device name changes.

It is not emitted when the device is created.


Path: openwisp_controller.config.signals.device_group_changed


  • instance: instance of Device.

  • group_id: primary key of DeviceGroup of Device

  • old_group_id: primary key of previous DeviceGroup of Device

The signal is emitted when the device group changes.

It is not emitted when the device is created.


Path: openwisp_controller.config.signals.group_templates_changed


  • instance: instance of DeviceGroup.

  • templates: list of Template objects assigned to DeviceGroup

  • old_templates: list of Template objects assigned earlier to DeviceGroup

The signal is emitted when the device group templates changes.

It is not emitted when the device is created.


Path: openwisp_controller.subnet_division.signals.subnet_provisioned


  • instance: instance of VpnClient.

  • provisioned: dictionary of Subnet and IpAddress provisioned, None if nothing is provisioned

The signal is emitted when subnets and IP addresses have been provisioned for a VpnClient for a VPN server with a subnet with subnet division rule.


Path: openwisp_controller.config.signals.vpn_server_modified


  • instance: instance of Vpn.

The signal is emitted when the VPN server is modified.


Path: openwisp_controller.config.signals.vpn_peers_changed


  • instance: instance of Vpn.

The signal is emitted when the peers of VPN server gets changed.

It is only emitted for Vpn object with WireGuard or VXLAN over WireGuard backend.