REST API Reference

Live Documentation

A general live API documentation (following the OpenAPI specification) at /api/v1/docs/.

Browsable Web Interface

Additionally, opening any of the endpoints listed below directly in the browser will show the browsable API interface of Django-REST-Framework, which makes it even easier to find out the details of each endpoint.


See Authenticating with the User Token.

When browsing the API via the Live Documentation or the Browsable Web Interface, you can also use the session authentication by logging in the django admin.


All list endpoints support the page_size parameter that allows paginating the results in conjunction with the page parameter.

GET /api/v1/controller/template/?page_size=10
GET /api/v1/controller/template/?page_size=10&page=2

List of Endpoints

Since the detailed explanation is contained in the Live Documentation and in the Browsable Web Interface of each point, here we'll provide just a list of the available endpoints, for further information please open the URL of the endpoint in your browser.

List Devices

GET /api/v1/controller/device/

Available filters

You can filter a list of devices based on their configuration status using the status (e.g modified, applied, or error).

GET /api/v1/controller/device/?config__status={status}

You can filter a list of devices based on their configuration backend using the backend (e.g netjsonconfig.OpenWrt or netjsonconfig.OpenWisp).

GET /api/v1/controller/device/?config__backend={backend}

You can filter a list of devices based on their organization using the organization_id or organization_slug.

GET /api/v1/controller/device/?organization={organization_id}
GET /api/v1/controller/device/?organization_slug={organization_slug}

You can filter a list of devices based on their configuration templates using the template_id.

GET /api/v1/controller/device/?config__templates={template_id}

You can filter a list of devices based on their device group using the group_id.

GET /api/v1/controller/device/?group={group_id}

You can filter a list of devices that have a device location object using the with_geo (e.g. true or false).

GET /api/v1/controller/device/?with_geo={with_geo}

You can filter a list of devices based on their creation time using the creation_time.

# Created exact
GET /api/v1/controller/device/?created={creation_time}

# Created greater than or equal to
GET /api/v1/controller/device/?created__gte={creation_time}

# Created is less than
GET /api/v1/controller/device/?created__lt={creation_time}

Create Device

POST /api/v1/controller/device/

Get Device Detail

GET /api/v1/controller/device/{id}/

Download Device Configuration

GET /api/v1/controller/device/{id}/configuration/

The above endpoint triggers the download of a tar.gz file containing the generated configuration for that specific device.

Change Details of Device

PUT /api/v1/controller/device/{id}/

Patch Details of Device

PATCH /api/v1/controller/device/{id}/


To assign, unassign, and change the order of the assigned templates add, remove, and change the order of the {id} of the templates under the config field in the JSON response respectively. Moreover, you can also select and unselect templates in the HTML Form of the Browsable API.

The required template(s) from the organization(s) of the device will added automatically to the config and cannot be removed.

Example usage: For assigning template(s) add the/their {id} to the config of a device,

curl -X PATCH \ \
    -H 'authorization: Bearer dc8d497838d4914c9db9aad9b6ec66f6c36ff46b' \
    -H 'content-type: application/json' \
    -d '{
            "config": {
                "templates": ["4791fa4c-2cef-4f42-8bb4-c86018d71bd3"]

Example usage: For removing assigned templates, simply remove the/their {id} from the config of a device,

curl -X PATCH \ \
    -H 'authorization: Bearer dc8d497838d4914c9db9aad9b6ec66f6c36ff46b' \
    -H 'content-type: application/json' \
    -d '{
            "config": {
                "templates": []

Example usage: For reordering the templates simply change their order from the config of a device,

curl -X PATCH \ \
    -H 'authorization: Bearer dc8d497838d4914c9db9aad9b6ec66f6c36ff46b' \
    -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
    -H 'content-type: application/json' \
    -H 'postman-token: b3f6a1cc-ff13-5eba-e460-8f394e485801' \
    -d '{
            "config": {
                "templates": [

Delete Device

DELETE /api/v1/controller/device/{id}/

List Device Connections

GET /api/v1/controller/device/{id}/connection/

Create Device Connection

POST /api/v1/controller/device/{id}/connection/

Get Device Connection Detail

GET /api/v1/controller/device/{id}/connection/{id}/

Change Device Connection Detail

PUT /api/v1/controller/device/{id}/connection/{id}/

Patch Device Connection Detail

PATCH /api/v1/controller/device/{id}/connection/{id}/

Delete Device Connection

DELETE /api/v1/controller/device/{id}/connection/{id}/

List Credentials

GET /api/v1/connection/credential/

Create Credential

POST /api/v1/connection/credential/

Get Credential Detail

GET /api/v1/connection/credential/{id}/

Change Credential Detail

PUT /api/v1/connection/credential/{id}/

Patch Credential Detail

PATCH /api/v1/connection/credential/{id}/

Delete Credential

DELETE /api/v1/connection/credential/{id}/

List Commands of a Device

GET /api/v1/controller/device/{id}/command/

Execute a Command a Device

POST /api/v1/controller/device/{id}/command/

Get Command Details

GET /api/v1/controller/device/{device_id}/command/{command_id}/

List Device Groups

GET /api/v1/controller/group/

Available filters

You can filter a list of device groups based on their organization using the organization_id or organization_slug.

GET /api/v1/controller/group/?organization={organization_id}
GET /api/v1/controller/group/?organization_slug={organization_slug}

You can filter a list of device groups that have a device object using the empty (e.g. true or false).

GET /api/v1/controller/group/?empty={empty}

Create Device Group

POST /api/v1/controller/group/

Get Device Group Detail

GET /api/v1/controller/group/{id}/

Change Device Group Detail

PUT /api/v1/controller/group/{id}/

This endpoint allows to change the Group Templates too.

Get Device Group from Certificate Common Name

GET /api/v1/controller/cert/{common_name}/group/

This endpoint can be used to retrieve group information and metadata by the common name of a certificate used in a VPN client tunnel, this endpoint is used in layer 2 tunneling solutions for firewall/captive portals.

It is also possible to filter device group by providing organization slug of certificate's organization as show in the example below:

GET /api/v1/controller/cert/{common_name}/group/?org={org1_slug},{org2_slug}

Get Device Location

GET /api/v1/controller/device/{id}/location/

Create Device Location

PUT /api/v1/controller/device/{id}/location/

You can create DeviceLocation object by using primary keys of existing Location and FloorPlan objects as shown in the example below.

    "location": "f0cb5762-3711-4791-95b6-c2f6656249fa",
    "floorplan": "dfeb6724-aab4-4533-aeab-f7feb6648acd",
    "indoor": "-36,264"


The indoor field represents the coordinates of the point placed on the image from the top left corner. E.g. if you placed the pointer on the top left corner of the floor plan image, its indoor coordinates will be 0,0.

curl -X PUT \ \
    -H 'authorization: Bearer dc8d497838d4914c9db9aad9b6ec66f6c36ff46b' \
    -H 'content-type: application/json' \
    -d '{
        "location": "f0cb5762-3711-4791-95b6-c2f6656249fa",
        "floorplan": "dfeb6724-aab4-4533-aeab-f7feb6648acd",
        "indoor": "-36,264"

You can also create related Location and FloorPlan objects for the device directly from this endpoint.

The following example demonstrates creating related location object in a single request.

    "location": {
        "name": "Via del Corso",
        "address": "Via del Corso, Roma, Italia",
        "geometry": {
            "type": "Point",
            "coordinates": [12.512124, 41.898903]
        "type": "outdoor",
curl -X PUT \ \
    -H 'authorization: Bearer dc8d497838d4914c9db9aad9b6ec66f6c36ff46b' \
    -H 'content-type: application/json' \
    -d '{
            "location": {
                "name": "Via del Corso",
                "address": "Via del Corso, Roma, Italia",
                "geometry": {
                    "type": "Point",
                    "coordinates": [12.512124, 41.898903]
                "type": "outdoor"


You can also specify the geometry in Well-known text (WKT) format, like following:

    "location": {
        "name": "Via del Corso",
        "address": "Via del Corso, Roma, Italia",
        "geometry": "POINT (12.512124 41.898903)",
        "type": "outdoor",

Similarly, you can create Floorplan object with the same request. But, note that a FloorPlan can be added to DeviceLocation only if the related Location object defines an indoor location. The example below demonstrates creating both Location and FloorPlan objects.

    "": "Via del Corso",
    "location.address": "Via del Corso, Roma, Italia",
    "location.geometry.type": "Point",
    "location.geometry.coordinates": [12.512124, 41.898903],
    "location.type": "outdoor",
    "floorplan.floor": 1,
    "floorplan.image": "floorplan.png"
curl -X PUT \ \
    -H 'authorization: Bearer dc8d497838d4914c9db9aad9b6ec66f6c36ff46b' \
    -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW' \
    -F ' del Corso' \
    -F 'location.address=Via del Corso, Roma, Italia' \
    -F location.geometry.type=Point \
    -F 'location.geometry.coordinates=[12.512124, 41.898903]' \
    -F location.type=indoor \
    -F floorplan.floor=1 \
    -F 'floorplan.image=@floorplan.png'


The example above uses multipart content-type for uploading floor plan image.

You can also use an existing Location object and create a new floor plan for that location using this endpoint.

    "location": "f0cb5762-3711-4791-95b6-c2f6656249fa",
    "floorplan.floor": 1,
    "floorplan.image": "floorplan.png"
curl -X PUT \ \
    -H 'authorization: Bearer dc8d497838d4914c9db9aad9b6ec66f6c36ff46b' \
    -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW' \
    -F location=f0cb5762-3711-4791-95b6-c2f6656249fa \
    -F floorplan.floor=1 \
    -F 'floorplan.image=@floorplan.png'

Change Details of Device Location

PUT /api/v1/controller/device/{id}/location/


This endpoint can be used to update related Location and Floorplan objects. Refer to the examples in the "Create device location" section for information on payload format.

Delete Device Location

DELETE /api/v1/controller/device/{id}/location/

Get Device Coordinates

GET /api/v1/controller/device/{id}/coordinates/


This endpoint is intended to be used by devices.

This endpoint skips multi-tenancy and permission checks if the device key is passed as query_param because the system assumes that the device is updating it's position.

curl -X GET \

Update Device Coordinates

PUT /api/v1/controller/device/{id}/coordinates/


This endpoint is intended to be used by devices.

This endpoint skips multi-tenancy and permission checks if the device key is passed as query_param because the system assumes that the device is updating it's position.

    "type": "Feature",
    "geometry": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [12.512124, 41.898903]
curl -X PUT \
    '' \
    -H 'content-type: application/json' \
    -d '{
            "type": "Feature",
            "geometry": {
                "type": "Point",
                "coordinates": [12.512124, 41.898903]

List Locations

GET /api/v1/controller/location/

Available filters

You can filter using organization_id or organization_slug to get list locations that belongs to an organization.

GET /api/v1/controller/location/?organization={organization_id}
GET /api/v1/controller/location/?organization_slug={organization_slug}

Create Location

POST /api/v1/controller/location/

If you are creating an indoor location, you can use this endpoint to create floor plan for the location.

The following example demonstrates creating floor plan along with location in a single request.

    "name": "Via del Corso",
    "address": "Via del Corso, Roma, Italia",
    "geometry.type": "Point",
    "geometry.location": [12.512124, 41.898903],
    "type": "indoor",
    "is_mobile": "false",
    "floorplan.floor": "1",
    "floorplan.image": "floorplan.png",
    "organization": "1f6c5666-1011-4f1d-bce9-fc6fcb4f3a05"
curl -X POST \ \
    -H 'authorization: Bearer dc8d497838d4914c9db9aad9b6ec66f6c36ff46b' \
    -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW' \
    -F 'name=Via del Corso' \
    -F 'address=Via del Corso, Roma, Italia' \
    -F geometry.type=Point \
    -F 'geometry.coordinates=[12.512124, 41.898903]' \
    -F type=indoor \
    -F is_mobile=false \
    -F floorplan.floor=1 \
    -F 'floorplan.image=@floorplan.png' \
    -F organization=1f6c5666-1011-4f1d-bce9-fc6fcb4f3a05


You can also specify the geometry in Well-known text (WKT) format, like following:

    "name": "Via del Corso",
    "address": "Via del Corso, Roma, Italia",
    "geometry": "POINT (12.512124 41.898903)",
    "type": "indoor",
    "is_mobile": "false",
    "floorplan.floor": "1",
    "floorplan.image": "floorplan.png",
    "organization": "1f6c5666-1011-4f1d-bce9-fc6fcb4f3a05"

Get Location Details

GET /api/v1/controller/location/{pk}/

Change Location Details

PUT /api/v1/controller/location/{pk}/


Only the first floor plan data present can be edited or changed. Setting the type of location to outdoor will remove all the floor plans associated with it.

Refer to the examples in the "Create device location" section for information on payload format.

Delete Location

DELETE /api/v1/controller/location/{pk}/

List Devices in a Location

GET /api/v1/controller/location/{id}/device/

List Locations with Devices Deployed (in GeoJSON Format)


this endpoint will only list locations that have been assigned to a device.

GET /api/v1/controller/location/geojson/

Available filters

You can filter using organization_id or organization_slug to get list location of devices from that organization.

GET /api/v1/controller/location/geojson/?organization_id={organization_id}
GET /api/v1/controller/location/geojson/?organization_slug={organization_slug}

Floor Plan List

GET /api/v1/controller/floorplan/

Available filters

You can filter using organization_id or organization_slug to get list floor plans that belongs to an organization.

GET /api/v1/controller/floorplan/?organization={organization_id}
GET /api/v1/controller/floorplan/?organization_slug={organization_slug}

Create Floor Plan

POST /api/v1/controller/floorplan/

Get Floor Plan Details

GET /api/v1/controller/floorplan/{pk}/

Change Floor Plan Details

PUT /api/v1/controller/floorplan/{pk}/

Delete Floor Plan

DELETE /api/v1/controller/floorplan/{pk}/

List Templates

GET /api/v1/controller/template/

Available filters

You can filter a list of templates based on their organization using the organization_id or organization_slug.

GET /api/v1/controller/template/?organization={organization_id}
GET /api/v1/controller/template/?organization_slug={organization_slug}

You can filter a list of templates based on their backend using the backend (e.g netjsonconfig.OpenWrt or netjsonconfig.OpenWisp).

GET /api/v1/controller/template/?backend={backend}

You can filter a list of templates based on their type using the type (e.g. vpn or generic).

GET /api/v1/controller/template/?type={type}

You can filter a list of templates that are enabled by default or not using the default (e.g. true or false).

GET /api/v1/controller/template/?default={default}

You can filter a list of templates that are required or not using the required (e.g. true or false).

GET /api/v1/controller/template/?required={required}

You can filter a list of templates based on their creation time using the creation_time.

# Created exact

GET /api/v1/controller/template/?created={creation_time}

# Created greater than or equal to

GET /api/v1/controller/template/?created__gte={creation_time}

# Created is less than

GET /api/v1/controller/template/?created__lt={creation_time}

Create Template

POST /api/v1/controller/template/

Get Template Detail

GET /api/v1/controller/template/{id}/

Download Template Configuration

GET /api/v1/controller/template/{id}/configuration/

The above endpoint triggers the download of a tar.gz file containing the generated configuration for that specific template.

Change Details of Template

PUT /api/v1/controller/template/{id}/

Patch Details of Template

PATCH /api/v1/controller/template/{id}/

Delete Template

DELETE /api/v1/controller/template/{id}/

List VPNs

GET /api/v1/controller/vpn/

Available filters

You can filter a list of vpns based on their backend using the backend (e.g openwisp_controller.vpn_backends.OpenVpn or openwisp_controller.vpn_backends.Wireguard).

GET /api/v1/controller/vpn/?backend={backend}

You can filter a list of vpns based on their subnet using the subnet_id.

GET /api/v1/controller/vpn/?subnet={subnet_id}

You can filter a list of vpns based on their organization using the organization_id or organization_slug.

GET /api/v1/controller/vpn/?organization={organization_id}
GET /api/v1/controller/vpn/?organization_slug={organization_slug}

Create VPN

POST /api/v1/controller/vpn/

Get VPN detail

GET /api/v1/controller/vpn/{id}/

Download VPN Configuration

GET /api/v1/controller/vpn/{id}/configuration/

The above endpoint triggers the download of a tar.gz file containing the generated configuration for that specific VPN.

Change Details of VPN

PUT /api/v1/controller/vpn/{id}/

Patch Details of VPN

PATCH /api/v1/controller/vpn/{id}/

Delete VPN

DELETE /api/v1/controller/vpn/{id}/

List CA

GET /api/v1/controller/ca/

Create New CA

POST /api/v1/controller/ca/

Import Existing CA

POST /api/v1/controller/ca/


To import an existing CA, only name, certificate and private_key fields have to be filled in the HTML form or included in the JSON format.

Get CA Detail

GET /api/v1/controller/ca/{id}/

Change Details of CA

PUT /api/v1/controller/ca/{id}/

Patch Details of CA

PATCH /api/v1/controller/ca/{id}/

Download CA(crl)

GET /api/v1/controller/ca/{id}/crl/

The above endpoint triggers the download of {id}.crl file containing up to date CRL of that specific CA.

Delete CA

DELETE /api/v1/controller/ca/{id}/

Renew CA

POST /api/v1/controller/ca/{id}/renew/

List Cert

GET /api/v1/controller/cert/

Create New Cert

POST /api/v1/controller/cert/

Import Existing Cert

POST /api/v1/controller/cert/


To import an existing Cert, only name, ca, certificate and private_key fields have to be filled in the HTML form or included in the JSON format.

Get Cert Detail

GET /api/v1/controller/cert/{id}/

Change Details of Cert

PUT /api/v1/controller/cert/{id}/

Patch Details of Cert

PATCH /api/v1/controller/cert/{id}/

Delete Cert

DELETE /api/v1/controller/cert/{id}/

Renew Cert

POST /api/v1/controller/cert/{id}/renew/

Revoke Cert

POST /api/v1/controller/cert/{id}/revoke/