Django REST Framework Utilities


This page is for developers who want to customize or extend OpenWISP Users, whether for bug fixes, new features, or contributions.

For user guides and general information, please see:

This page details the Django REST Framework classes and utilities provided in the OpenWISP Users module. These tools support various REST API features such as authentication, permission enforcement, multi-tenancy, and filtering.

These utilities ensure consistency and reusability across the OpenWISP modules.



BearerAuthentication is the primary authentication class used in OpenWISP's REST APIs. It is based on TokenAuthentication from Django REST Framework.

For detailed usage instructions, please refer to the authenticating with the user token :ref:`authenticating_rest_api section.


SesameAuthentication allows authentication using tokens generated by django-sesame.

This method is primarily used for password-less authentication, such as magic login links sent via email or SMS.

To use this authentication class, you must configure django-sesame.

For more details, please see the django-sesame documentation.

Permission Classes

The custom Django REST Framework permission classes IsOrganizationMember, IsOrganizationManager, and IsOrganizationOwner ensure that the requesting user belongs to the same organization as the requested object and has the appropriate role: member, manager, or owner, respectively.

Usage example:

from openwisp_users.api.permissions import IsOrganizationManager
from rest_framework import generics

class MyApiView(generics.APIView):
    permission_classes = (IsOrganizationManager,)






organization_field specifies where to find the organization of the current object. In most cases, this default value does not need to be changed. However, it may need to be adjusted if the organization is defined only on a parent object.

For example, in openwisp-firmware-upgrader, the organization is defined on Category, and Build has a relation to Category. Therefore, the organization of Build instances is inferred from the Category organization.

To implement the permission class correctly in such cases, you would use:

from openwisp_users.api.permissions import IsOrganizationManager
from rest_framework import generics

class MyApiView(generics.APIView):
    permission_classes = (IsOrganizationManager,)
    organization_field = "category__organization"

This setup translates to accessing obj.category.organization. Ensure your view's querysets use select_related to avoid generating too many queries.


The default DjangoModelPermissions class does not check for the view permission on objects for GET requests. The extended DjangoModelPermissions class addresses this issue. It checks for the availability of either the view or change permissions to allow GET requests on any object.

Usage example:

from openwisp_users.api.permissions import DjangoModelPermissions
from rest_framework.generics import ListCreateAPIView

class TemplateListCreateView(ListCreateAPIView):
    serializer_class = TemplateSerializer
    permission_classes = (DjangoModelPermissions,)
    queryset = Template.objects.all()

Note: DjangoModelPermissions allows users who are either organization managers or owners to view shared objects in read-only mode.

Standard users will not be able to view or list shared objects.


Full python path: openwisp_users.api.mixins.ProtectedAPIMixin.

This mixin provides a set of authentication and permission classes that are commonly used across various OpenWISP modules API views.

Usage example:

# Used in openwisp-ipam
from openwisp_users.api.mixins import (
    ProtectedAPIMixin as BaseProtectedAPIMixin,

class ProtectedAPIMixin(BaseProtectedAPIMixin):
    throttle_scope = "ipam"

class SubnetView(ProtectedAPIMixin, RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView):
    serializer_class = SubnetSerializer
    queryset = Subnet.objects.all()

Mixins for Multi-Tenancy

Filtering Items by Organization

The custom Django REST Framework mixins FilterByOrganizationMembership, FilterByOrganizationManaged and FilterByOrganizationOwned can be used in the API views to ensure that the current user is able to see only the data related to their organization when accessing the API view.

These classes work by filtering the queryset so that only items related to organizations the user is member, manager or owner of, respectively.

These mixins ship the Django REST Framework's IsAuthenticated permission class by default because the organization filtering works only on authenticated users. Always remember to include this class when overriding permission_classes in a view.

Usage example:

from openwisp_users.api.mixins import FilterByOrganizationManaged
from rest_framework import generics

class UsersListView(FilterByOrganizationManaged, generics.ListAPIView):
    UsersListView will show only users from organizations managed
    by current user in the list.


class ExampleListView(FilterByOrganizationManaged, generics.ListAPIView):
    Example showing how to extend ``permission_classes``.

    permission_classes = FilterByOrganizationManaged.permission_classes + [
        # additional permission classes here

Checking Parent Objects

Sometimes, the API view needs to check the existence and the organization field of a parent object.

In such cases, FilterByParentMembership, FilterByParentManaged and FilterByParentOwned can be used.

For example, given a hypothetical URL /api/v1/device/{device_id}/config/, the view must check that {device_id} exists and that the user has access to it, here's how to do it:

import swapper
from rest_framework import generics
from openwisp_users.api.mixins import FilterByParentManaged

Device = swapper.load_model("config", "Device")
Config = swapper.load_model("config", "Config")

# URL is:
# /api/v1/device/{device_id}/config/

class ConfigListView(FilterByParentManaged, generics.DetailAPIView):
    model = Config

    def get_parent_queryset(self):
        qs = Device.objects.filter(pk=self.kwargs["device_id"])
        return qs

Multi-tenant Serializers for the Browsable Web UI

Django REST Framework provides a browsable API which can be used to create HTTP requests right from the browser.

The relationship fields in this interface show all the relationships, without filtering by the organization the user has access to, which breaks multi-tenancy.

The FilterSerializerByOrgMembership, FilterSerializerByOrgManaged and FilterSerializerByOrgOwned can be used to solve this issue.

These serializers do not allow non-superusers to create shared objects.

Usage example:

from openwisp_users.api.mixins import FilterSerializerByOrgOwned
from rest_framework.serializers import ModelSerializer
from .models import Device

class DeviceSerializer(FilterSerializerByOrgOwned, ModelSerializer):
    class Meta:
        model = Device
        fields = "__all__"

The include_shared boolean attribute can be used to include shared objects in the accepted values of the multi-tenant serializers.

Shared objects have the organization field set to None and can be used by any organization. A common use case is shared templates in OpenWISP Controller.

Usage example:

from openwisp_users.api.mixins import FilterSerializerByOrgOwned
from rest_framework.serializers import ModelSerializer
from .models import Book

class BookSerializer(FilterSerializerByOrgOwned, ModelSerializer):
    include_shared = True

    class Meta:
        model = Book
        fields = "__all__"

To filter items based on the organization of their parent object, organization_field attribute can be defined in the view function which is inheriting any of the mixin classes.

Usage example: organization_field.

Multi-tenant Filtering Capabilities for the Browsable Web UI

Integration of Django filters with Django REST Framework is provided through a DRF-specific FilterSet and a filter backend.

The relationship fields of django-filters show all the available results, without filtering by the organization the user has access to, which breaks multi-tenancy.

The FilterDjangoByOrgMembership, FilterDjangoByOrgManaged and FilterDjangoByOrgOwned can be used to solve this issue.

Usage example:

from django_filters import rest_framework as filters
from openwisp_users.api.mixins import FilterDjangoByOrgManaged
from ..models import FloorPlan

class FloorPlanOrganizationFilter(FilterDjangoByOrgManaged):
    organization_slug = filters.CharFilter(

    class Meta:
        model = FloorPlan
        fields = ["organization", "organization_slug"]

class FloorPlanListCreateView(
    ProtectedAPIMixin, generics.ListCreateAPIView
    serializer_class = FloorPlanSerializer
    queryset = FloorPlan.objects.select_related().order_by("-created")
    pagination_class = ListViewPagination
    filter_backends = [filters.DjangoFilterBackend]
    filterset_class = FloorPlanOrganizationFilter

You can also use the organization filter classes such as OrganizationManagedFilter from openwisp_users.api.filters which includes organization and organization_slug filter fields by default.

Usage example:

from django_filters import rest_framework as filters
from openwisp_users.api.filters import OrganizationManagedFilter
from ..models import FloorPlan

class FloorPlanFilter(OrganizationManagedFilter):
    class Meta(OrganizationManagedFilter.Meta):
        model = FloorPlan

class FloorPlanListCreateView(
    ProtectedAPIMixin, generics.ListCreateAPIView
    serializer_class = FloorPlanSerializer
    queryset = FloorPlan.objects.select_related().order_by("-created")
    pagination_class = ListViewPagination
    filter_backends = [filters.DjangoFilterBackend]
    filterset_class = FloorPlanFilter