Admin Utilities

This section outlines the admin utilities provided by the OpenWISP Users module.


Full python path: openwisp_users.multitenancy.MultitenantAdminMixin.

Adding this mixin to a ModelAdmin class makes it multitenant-capable, allowing users to see only items of the organizations they manage or own.

This class has two important attributes:

  • multitenant_shared_relations: If the model has relations (e.g., ForeignKey, OneToOne) to other multitenant models with an organization field, list those model attributes here as a list of strings. See how it is used in OpenWISP Controller for a real-world example.

  • multitenant_parent: If the admin model relies on a parent model with the organization field, specify the field pointing to the parent here. See how it is used in OpenWISP Firmware Upgrader for a real-world example.


Full python path: openwisp_users.multitenancy.MultitenantOrgFilter.

This auto complete admin filter displays only organizations the current user can manage. Below is an example of adding the auto complete organization filter in BookAdmin:

from django.contrib import admin
from openwisp_users.multitenancy import MultitenantOrgFilter

class BookAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_filter = [
    # other attributes


Full python path: openwisp_users.multitenancy.MultitenantRelatedOrgFilter.

This filter is similar to MultitenantOrgFilter but displays only objects related to organizations the current user can manage. Use this for creating filters for related multitenant models.

Consider the following example from IpAddressAdmin in openwisp-ipam. IpAddressAdmin allows filtering IpAddress objects by ``Subnet` belonging to organizations managed by the user.

from django.contrib import admin
from openwisp_users.multitenancy import MultitenantRelatedOrgFilter
from swapper import load_model

Subnet = load_model("openwisp_ipam", "Subnet")

class SubnetFilter(MultitenantRelatedOrgFilter):
    field_name = "subnet"
    parameter_name = "subnet_id"
    title = _("subnet")

class IpAddressAdmin(
    list_filter = [SubnetFilter]
    # other options