Quick Start Guide

To install the Monitoring Agent on your OpenWrt system, follow these steps.

Download and install the latest builds of both netjson-monitoring and openwisp-monitoring from downloads.openwisp.io. Copy the URL of the IPK file you want to download, then run the following commands on your OpenWrt device:

cd /tmp  # /tmp runs in memory
opkg update
# Install netjson-monitoring first
wget <URL-just-copied>
opkg install ./<file-just-downloaded>
# Install openwisp-monitoring last
wget <URL-just-copied>
opkg install ./<file-just-downloaded>

Replace <URL-just-copied> with the URL of the respective package from downloads.openwisp.io.

Now you can start the agent:

/etc/init.d/openwisp-monitoring start

See also