OpenWISP Monitoring Agent

The OpenWISP Monitoring OpenWrt agent is responsible for collecting monitoring metrics from network devices and sending them to a central OpenWISP Monitoring Server via HTTPS, allowing to collect critical network metrics without the need of a VPN.

These metrics include:

  • General system information, uptime

  • Interface traffic

  • WiFi client statistics

  • CPU load averages

  • Memory usage

  • Storage space and usage

  • Cellular Modem Status, Cellular Signal Quality/Strength

By collecting this data, administrators gain valuable insights into network health and performance, facilitating proactive troubleshooting of potential issues.

The following diagram illustrates the role of OpenWrt Monitoring Agent within the OpenWISP architecture.

OpenWISP Architecture: OpenWrt Monitoring Agent

OpenWISP Architecture: highlighted OpenWrt Monitoring Agent


For an enhanced viewing experience, open the image above in a new browser tab.

Refer to Architecture, Modules, Technologies for more information.