Developer Docs


This page is for developers who want to customize or extend OpenWISP Controller, whether for bug fixes, new features, or contributions.

For user guides and general information, please see:


The Docker OpenWISP installation responds only to the fully qualified domain names (FQDN) defined in the configuration. If you are deploying locally (for testing), you need to update the /etc/hosts file on your machine to resolve the configured domains to localhost.

For example, the following command will update the /etc/hosts file to resolve the domains used in the default configurations:

echo "" | \
    sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

Building and Running Images

  1. Install Docker.

  2. In the root directory of the repository, run make develop. Once the containers are ready, you can test them by accessing the domain names of the modules.


  • The default username and password are admin.

  • The default domains are and

  • You will need to repeat step 2 each time you make changes and want to rebuild the images.

  • If you want to perform actions such as cleaning everything produced by docker-openwisp, please refer to the makefile options.

Running Tests

You can run tests using either geckodriver (Firefox) or chromedriver (Chromium).

Chromium is preferred as it also checks for console log errors.

Using Chromedriver

Install WebDriver for Chromium for your browser version from and extract chromedriver to one of directories from your $PATH (example: ~/.local/bin/).

Using Geckodriver

Install Geckodriver for Firefox for your browser version from and extract geckodriver to one of directories from your $PATH (example: ~/.local/bin/).

Finish Setup and Run Tests

  1. Install test requirements:

    python3 -m pip install -r requirements-test.txt
  2. (Optional) Modify configuration options in tests/config.json:

    driver: Name of the driver to use for tests, "chromium" or "firefox"
    logs: Print container logs if an error occurs
    logs_file: Location of the log file for saving logs generated during tests
    headless: Run Selenium Chrome driver in headless mode
    load_init_data: Flag for running tests/, only needs to be done once after database creation
    app_url: URL to reach the admin dashboard
    username: Username for logging into the admin dashboard
    password: Password for logging into the admin dashboard
    services_max_retries: Maximum number of retries to check if services are running
    services_delay_retries: Delay time (in seconds) for each retry when checking if services are running
  3. Run tests with:

    make runtests
  4. To run a single test suite, use the following command:

    python3 tests/ <TestSuite>.<TestCase>

Run Quality Assurance Checks

We use shfmt to format shell scripts and hadolint to lint Dockerfiles.

To format all files, run:


To run quality assurance checks, use the run-qa-checks script:

# Run QA checks before committing code

Makefile Options

Most commonly used:

  • make start [USER=docker-username] [TAG=image-tag]: Start OpenWISP containers on your server.

  • make pull [USER=docker-username] [TAG=image-tag]: Pull images from the registry.

  • make stop: Stop OpenWISP containers on your server.

  • make develop: Bundle all the commands required to build the images and run containers.

  • make runtests: Start containers and run test cases to ensure all services are working. It stops containers after the test suite passes.

  • make clean: Aggressively purge all containers, images, volumes, and networks related to docker-openwisp.

Other options:

  • make publish [USER=docker-username] [TAG=image-tag]: Build, test, and publish images.

  • make python-build: Generate a random Django secret and set it in the .env file.

  • make nfs-build: Build the OpenWISP NFS server image.

  • make base-build: Build the OpenWISP base image. The base image is used in other OpenWISP images.

  • make compose-build: (default) Build OpenWISP images for development.

  • make develop-runtests: Similar to runtests, but it doesn't stop the containers after running the tests, which may be desired for debugging and analyzing failing container logs.

  • make develop-pythontests: Similar to develop-runtests, but it requires containers to be already running.