Developer Installation instructions


This page is for developers who want to customize or extend the Ansible role of OpenWISP, whether for bug fixes, new features, or contributions.

For user guides and general information, please see:

Installing for Development

First of all, create the directory where you want to place the repositories of the ansible roles and create directory roles.

mkdir -p ~/openwisp-dev/roles
cd ~/openwisp-dev/roles

Clone ansible-openwisp2 and Stouts.postfix as follows:

git clone openwisp.openwisp2
git clone
git clone openwisp.influxdb

Now, go to the parent directory & create hosts file and playbook.yml:

cd ../
touch hosts
touch playbook.yml

From here on you can follow the instructions available at the following sections:

All done!

How to Run Tests

If you want to contribute to ansible-openwisp2 you should run tests in your development environment to ensure your changes are not breaking anything.

To do that, proceed with the following steps:

Step 1: Clone ansible-openwisp2

Clone repository by:

git clone<your_fork>/ansible-openwisp2.git openwisp.openwisp2
cd openwisp.openwisp2

Step 2: Install docker

If you haven't installed docker yet, you need to install it (example for linux debian/ubuntu systems):

sudo apt install

Step 3: Install molecule and dependencies

pip install molecule[docker] molecule-plugins yamllint ansible-lint docker

Step 4: Download docker images

docker pull geerlingguy/docker-ubuntu2204-ansible:latest
docker pull geerlingguy/docker-ubuntu2004-ansible:latest
docker pull geerlingguy/docker-debian11-ansible:latest

Step 5: Run molecule test

molecule test -s local

If you don't get any error message it means that the tests ran successfully without errors.


Use molecule test --destroy=never to speed up subsequent test runs.