Quick Start

1. Install the OpenWISP server application

If you want to find out how to deploy OpenWISP for production usage, follow the step by step ansible-openwisp2 tutorial.

Alternatively, there's also docker-openwisp (in alpha stage) which can be especially useful for testing purposes.

For testing purposes vagrant-openwisp2 can be used as well.

2. Install openwisp-config on your devices

Here's a guide on how to install openwisp-config on OpenWRT and connect it to OpenWISP.

If you don't have a physical OpenWRT-compatible device at hand, you can install OpenWRT in a VirtualBox VM, that's also covered by the guide.

3. Install openwisp-monitoring on your devices

If you want to take advantage of the features offered by the monitoring module of OpenWISP, read the Monitoring Quickstart Guide.

4. Watch video demonstrations

5. Look for help

See support channels.