Scheduled Deletion of Notifications


If you have deployed OpenWISP using ansible-openwisp2 or docker-openwisp, then this feature has been already configured for you. Refer to the documentation of your deployment method to know the default value. This section is only for reference for users who wish to customize OpenWISP, or who have deployed OpenWISP in a different way.

OpenWISP Notifications provides a celery task to automatically delete notifications older than a preconfigured number of days. In order to run this task periodically, you will need to configure CELERY_BEAT_SCHEDULE in the Django project settings.


If you're unsure about what "Django settings" are, you can refer to How to Edit Django Settings in OpenWISP for guidance.

The celery task takes only one argument, i.e. number of days. You can provide any number of days in args key while configuring CELERY_BEAT_SCHEDULE setting.

E.g., if you want notifications older than 10 days to get deleted automatically, then configure CELERY_BEAT_SCHEDULE as follows:

        "delete_old_notifications": {
            "task": "openwisp_notifications.tasks.delete_old_notifications",
            "schedule": timedelta(days=1),
            "args": (
            ),  # Here we have defined 10 instead of 90 as shown in setup instructions

Please refer to "Periodic Tasks" section of Celery's documentation to learn more.