Notification Types

OpenWISP Notifications allows defining notification types for recurring events. Think of a notification type as a template for notifications.


This module includes a notification type called generic_message.

This notification type is designed to deliver custom messages in the user interface for infrequent events or errors that occur during background operations and cannot be communicated easily to the user in other ways.

These messages may require longer explanations and are therefore displayed in a dialog overlay, as shown in the screenshot above. This notification type does not send emails.

The following code example demonstrates how to send a notification of this type:

from openwisp_notifications.signals import notify

    message="An unexpected error happened!",
    description="""Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text
of the printing and typesetting industry.

### Heading 3

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s,
when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a
type specimen book.

It has survived not only **five centuries**, but also the leap into
electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets
containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing
software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of *Lorem Ipsum*.""",

Properties of Notification Types

The following properties can be configured for each notification type:




Sets level attribute of the notification.


Sets verb attribute of the notification.


Sets display name of notification type.


Sets message attribute of the notification.


Sets subject of the email notification.


Path to file having template for message of the notification.


Sets preference for email notifications. Defaults to True.


Sets preference for web notifications. Defaults to True.


Overrides the default URL used for the actor object.

You can pass a static URL or a dotted path to a callable which returns the object URL.


Overrides the default URL used for the action object.

You can pass a static URL or a dotted path to a callable which returns the object URL.


Overrides the default URL used for the target object.

You can pass a static URL or a dotted path to a callable which returns the object URL.


It is recommended that a notification type configuration for recurring events contains either the message or message_template properties. If both are present, message is given preference over message_template.

If you don't plan on using message or message_template, it may be better to use the existing generic_message type. However, it's advised to do so only if the event being notified is infrequent.

The callable for actor_link, action_object_link and target_link should have the following signature:

def related_object_link_callable(notification, field, absolute_url=True):
    notification: the notification object for which the URL will be created
    field: the related object field, any one of "actor", "action_object" or
           "target" field of the notification object
    absolute_url: boolean to flag if absolute URL should be returned
    return ""

Defining message_template

You can either extend default message template or write your own markdown formatted message template from scratch. An example to extend default message template is shown below.

# In templates/your_notifications/
{% extends 'openwisp_notifications/' %}
{% block body %}
    [{{ }}]({{ notification.target_link }}) has malfunctioned.
{% endblock body %}

You can access all attributes of the notification using notification variables in your message template as shown above. Additional attributes actor_link, action_link and target_link are also available for providing hyperlinks to respective object.


After writing code for registering or unregistering notification types, it is recommended to run database migrations to create notification settlings for these notification types.