Network Topology

OpenWISP Network Topology is a network topology collector and visualizer web application and API, it allows to collect network topology data from different networking software (dynamic mesh routing protocols, OpenVPN), store it, visualize it, edit its details, it also provides hooks (a.k.a Django signals) to execute code when the status of a link changes.

When used in conjunction with OpenWISP Controller and OpenWISP Monitoring, it makes the monitoring system faster in detecting change to the network.

For a comprehensive overview of features, please refer to the Network Topology: Features page.

The following diagram illustrates the role of the Network Topology module within the OpenWISP architecture.

OpenWISP Architecture: Network Topology module

OpenWISP Architecture: highlighted network topology module


For an enhanced viewing experience, open the image above in a new browser tab.

Refer to Architecture, Modules, Technologies for more information.