WiFi Login Pages


For a demonstration of how this module is used, please refer to the following demo tutorial: WiFi Hotspot, Captive Portal (Public WiFi), Social Login.



OpenWISP WiFi login pages provides unified and consistent user experience for public/private WiFi services.

In short, this app replaces the classic captive/login page of a WiFi service by integrating the OpenWISP Radius API to provide the following features:

  • Mobile first design (responsive UI)

  • Sign up

  • Optional support for mobile phone verification: verify phone number by inserting token sent via SMS, resend the SMS token

  • Login to the WiFi service (by getting a radius user token from OpenWISP Radius and sending a POST to the captive portal login URL behind the scenes)

  • Session status information

  • Logout from the WiFi service (by sending a POST to the captive portal logout URL behind the scenes)

  • Change password

  • Reset password (password forgot)

  • Support for Social Login and SAML

  • Optional social login buttons (Facebook, Google, X/Twitter)

  • Contact box showing the support email and/or phone number, as well as additional links specified via configuration

  • Navigation menu (header and footer) with the possibility of specifying if links should be shown to every user or only authenticated or unauthenticated users

  • Support for multiple organizations with the possibility of customizing the theme via CSS for each organization

  • Support for multiple languages

  • Possibility to change any text used in the pages

  • Configurable Terms of Services and Privacy Policy for each organization

  • Possibility of automatically logging in users who signed in previously (if the captive portal browser of their operating system supports cookies)

  • Support for credit/debit card verification and paid subscription plans

For more information please see the OpenWISP WiFi Login Pages documentation.